Courtney Vandreese: the Advising Fellow

  1. What do you do for fun?

I LOVE the outdoors and being active. Running, biking, hiking, rollerblading, camping, you name it. It’s a great way to keep in shape while enjoying God’s beauty.

2. How are you connected to the Honors Program?Courtney Vandreese

I am one of the University Honors Fellows. As a fellow, I am in charge of Service Programming and Advising current/potential Honors students.

3. What’re you most proud of?

Being a D1 Cheerleader.

4. Describe your perfect dream.

Having a good career (hopefully PT), being married with a family, being surrounded with the ones who love me, and loving God.

5. Any pets? If no, what pet would you like and what would you name it?

No pets, but I would probably have a dog! Black lab named Wrigley.

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